• Students must come to school neatly dressed in the complete prescribed school uniform.
  • Students must reach the school campus 10 minutes before the morning assembly begins. 
  • Students must speak only in English while in the school campus.
  • Speaking in any other language may attract a fine and punishment.
  • Students must behave properly both within and outside the school campus.
  • Parents must ensure that their behaviour outside does not tarnish the reputation of the school.
  • Idealness, Negligence of Home-work, Disobedience, Disrespect to teachers and member of the staff, stealing, cheating, during the examinations and other such immoral activities will justify punishment or dismissal from the class.
  • The management reserves the right to take suitable action.
  • Students are forbidden from bringing any objectionable literature, pictures, photographs to school.
  • Students are not allowed to buy eatables from vendors near the gates. The school will not be held responsible if any illness/diseases in contracted as a result of eating food sold by vendors.
  • A students suffering from a contagious disease will not be allowed to attained class until he/she produces a medical certificate from a recognised practitioner stating that the student has full recover.
  • Every child must produce an attested copy of his/her birth certificate at the time of admission.
  • Parents must apply for a transfer certificate one month in advance. A transfer certificate will be issued only if all dues are cleared.
  • Books borrowed from the library must be returned by the due date. Students will have to pay for the loss or damage of the book issued in his/her name. Books are not transferable.
  • The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in quarterly instalments. No deduction is made for holidays or periods of absences. The school fees to be paid on the stipulated date. A late fee may be levied for late payment.
  • All complaints should be submitted in written by the parents/guardians personally. Parents who create ugly scenes inside the school premises will be asked not to enter the campus again to avoid further embarrassment to the staff and the students of the institution.